Diamond Cubic

The Diamond Cubic is a repeating pattern of 8 atoms that any of the elements in the Carbon periodic table group may adopt as they solidify. An individual Carbon atom is reckoned to be 70 picometers in diameter; a picometer is one millionth of a micrometer, which is one thousandth of a millimetre.

A crystal structure is a unique arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid. It describes a highly ordered structure, occurring due to the intrinsic nature of its constituent parts to form symmetrical patterns. A pure material can be imagined as a vast array of identical cells repeating in three spatial directions, each of these cells contains all of the information needed to combine with others to build up the symmetrical lattice of cells that make up the material.

These sculptures are configured to correspond with the lines laid down by the diamond cubic; they all consist of a specific set of relationships between angles, lengths and vectors. If you imagine the diamond cubic as a grid extending out from the sculptures flowing over and through the walls and floors, the act of conceiving each piece can be considered as a subtractive process with individual atoms and whole cells being removed from the diamond cubic to leave the sculptures fully formed, each sculpture is cut out from this endless grid. Or in mathematical terms; some are a simple set of translations; repeating the same set of lines or planes alongside the previous set to create a single form, whilst others are derived from more complex rotational and/or reflective translations, each work can be considered as a set of steps following, and sometimes breaking, the rules.

The selected forms are chosen for their character and presence; their surface treatment or finish is determined to be the most appropriate for their emerging nature.

Red Rhombi
Painted Steel
Dimensions: 350mm x 180mm

Atomic Fever
Stainless Steel Installation

Dark Mask
Burnt Oiled Steel
Dimensions: 330mm x 290mm

Angel Sigh
Painted Steel

Zinc Plated Steel
Dimensions: 1750mm x 500mm

Green Rhombi
Painted Steel
Dimensions: 685mm x 215mm

Five Stack
Burnt Oiled Steel
Dimensions: 240mm x 240mm

Black Prism
Burnt Oiled Steel
Dimensions: 850mm x 950mm

Feed Me
Burnt Oiled Steel
Dimensions: 290mm x 250mm